
Dear Abby, inmate no. 3255101: Building a Correspondence Program

Do you want to start a prisoner correspondence program, but not know where to begin? Or have you already started a program, but want tips on how to help survivors when the only way you can communicate is by letter? Then this webinar is for you.

In this webinar, Dear Abby, inmate no. 3325101: How to Build a Correspondence Program, you’ll learn about developing and running a prisoner correspondence program.

The webinar will cover the basics of building a correspondence program, including why letter-writing can be a starting point for delivering more comprehensive services to incarcerated survivors. The speakers will review Just Detention International’s correspondence toolkit victim services guidelines and the Prison Rape Elimination Act standards, which pave the way for such programs.

Finally, the speakers will discuss some common challenges that can arise while running a correspondence program.

The 90-minute webinar is intended for staff at rape crisis centers and other victim services agencies who want to work with survivors of sexual abuse in detention. No other prior knowledge is needed.