
Sexual Violence Program of The Cocoon

The Sexual Violence Program provides 24/7 response to primary and secondary survivors of sexual violence through crisis intervention, emotional support, medical and legal advocacy, information and resources.

Service area: Wood County Juvenile Detention Center and Northwest Community Corrections Center
Work with: Primary and secondary survivors of sexual violence
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Information, referrals, and references; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; in-person counseling; legal and medical advocacy; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews; mail correspondence.
Services for survivors after release include: Hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal and medical advocacy; in-person counseling; group counseling/support groups; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; information, referrals, and references; accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews; mail correspondence.
Services for loved ones include: Mail correspondence; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; information, referrals, and references.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: All services available in English.