
Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center

The Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (WASAC) offers crisis intervention, support, information, and referrals for survivors of sexual assault and their family and friends. All services are free and confidential.

Service area: Sedgwick County
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault, including men, women, and children; their family; and friends
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline or by mail; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal advocacy and court accompaniment for sexual assault cases; information; and referrals. Through a partnership with the YWCA Women’s Crisis Center, WASAC co-facilitates a 12-week support group for adult women survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault at the Sedgwick County Detention Facility. For survivors who are interested in joining this group, please contact Cheryl Webb at the YWCA Women’s Crisis Center at 1111 N. St. Francis, Wichita, KS 67214.
Services for survivors after release include: Crisis intervention; hospital accompaniment; legal advocacy and court accompaniment; short-term crisis counseling; support groups for adult female survivors of sexual assault and adolescent female survivors of sexual assault (ages 13-17); information; and referrals.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention; short-term crisis counseling; a support group for adult family and friends of survivors; information; and referrals.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: WASAC will provide immediate crisis intervention to any survivor who contacts them. For survivors convicted of sex crimes, WASAC will provide appropriate referrals for ongoing support services.