
Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley

The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley is a non-profit human service organization that provides programs and services to adult and child survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

Service area: The city of Radford; the counties of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski; and the campuses of New River Community College, Radford University, and Virginia Tech
Work with: All survivors of sexual violence, their concerned friends, and family
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline; emergency room advocacy and accompaniment during forensic exams; legal advocacy; and information and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as counseling; support groups; emergency shelter for women and children in imminent danger; emergency hotel placements for survivors who are in imminent danger and meet the criteria; transitional housing; and specialized services for children, including crisis intervention and long-term counseling.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention, support, information, and referrals.
Fees: Free