
Rainbow Health

Rainbow Health Minnesota is a statewide, nonprofit agency committed to enhancing the lives of people living with HIV through prevention education for those at risk for HIV and advocacy for the rights of all affected by HIV. They operate the AIDSLine, a statewide toll-free information and referral service that can answer questions about HIV and connect callers to resources that can help.

Service area: Minnesota

Work with: Anyone seeking information about HIV/AIDS or in need of services

Services for survivors during incarceration include: Information about HIV/AIDS and referrals to needed services via the AIDSLine, by mail or through the HIV Resource Guide, a comprehensive directory of HIV services in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota. The HIV Resource Guide contains information on programs to reduce the risk of contracting HIV, low or no cost HIV testing sites, and resources for people living with HIV. To order a free copy of the HIV Resource Guide, call the AIDSLine, or write to Rainbow Health at the address above.

Services for survivors after release include: A range of services for people living with HIV/AIDS including: case management; health education; advocacy; housing, transportation, and general financial assistance; legal services; and information and referrals for other services, such as support groups and clinics for people living with HIV/AIDS. Rainbow Health also provides HIV risk assessments and HIV prevention education through the hotline and chat services. Rainbow Health provides free anonymous HIV testing by appointment only and also makes referrals to other testing sites.

Services for loved ones include: Information and support.

Fees: None

Additional Information: Rainbow Health was formerly the Minnesota AIDS Project.