Just Detention International is a health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse in all forms of detention.


  • Texas Public Radio June 25, 2024

    Women in Texas prison say a guard is preying on them

    JDI National Advocacy Director Julie Abbate offers commentary for a Texas Public Radio story on staff sexual abuse inside a state prison.

  • Anti-Racism Daily June 11, 2024

    Anti-Racism Daily-Learn about Farmer v. Brennan

    On the 30th anniversary of her landmark Supreme Court victory, Dee Farmer is interviewed for the Anti-Racism Daily newsletter.

  • JDI's Press Realease April 19, 2024

    Bureau of Prisons evades oversight at FCI Dublin

    JDI calls for BOP to be held accountable for rampant staff sexual abuse, and for survivors to get the help they deserve.

  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution April 5, 2024

    Youth Facilities Failing Our Children

    JDI Executive Director Linda McFarlane highlights the urgent need to address sexual abuse within Georgia's youth facilities in an op-ed for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


    Read JDI's latest newsletter!

    Springtime brings exciting news! Check out our latest newsletter to find out how our work is making a difference for incarcerated survivors.