Month: October 2015

New Report From the Department of Justice: One In Ten State Prisoners Sexually Abused

Bureau of Justice Statistics study confirms national crisis of sexual abuse in U.S. detention, exposes systemic problem of staff retaliation, and shatters prisoner rape stereotypes Washington, D.C., May 17, 2012 — A Department of Justice study released this morning provides the most dramatic evidence yet of a nationwide, systemic crisis of sexual victimization in U.S. prisons, jails, and community corrections facilities. Of

Finally — National Standards to Stop Prisoner Rape

Nine years after passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003 and almost two years after missing its statutory deadline, the Department of Justice releases strong, binding standards to end sexual abuse in U.S. corrections facilities. Highlights: PREA applies to all federal confinement facilities; several agencies – including the Department of Homeland Security

Life-Saving Holiday Card Campaign for Prisoner Rape Survivors

Los Angeles, November 27, 2012 — Today, Just Detention International (JDI) is launching a nationwide holiday campaign that allows its supporters to do nothing less than help save a life – without spending a dime. Through its unique campaign, Words of Hope, JDI is asking people to take one free, simple action: send a holiday greeting to