Category: JDI in the News

Send A Holiday Card To A Prison Rape Survivor

  • Hamilton Nolan
  • December 7, 2016
  • The Concourse

There are many worthy charities to redeem your soul this holiday season, and here is one that doesn’t cost anything: you can send a holiday card to a survivor of prison rape. Just Detention International does this every year. They make it very easy for you to brighten the day of some of America’s most

Prison rape victims are getting thousands of Christmas cards

  • Joshua Rhett Miller
  • December 19, 2016
  • New York Post

A prisoner rights group that distributes holiday cards to survivors of sexual abuse has collected more than 12,000 messages this season, shattering a previous record. The campaign by Los Angeles-based Just Detention International — now in its seventh year — has sent roughly 10,000 messages in each of the past three years to hundreds of

A Victory in the Fight to Stop Prisoner Rape

  • Jesse Lerner-Kinglake
  • September 2, 2016
  • Prison Legal News

In 2012, Cornelius, a prisoner at a Florida state prison, wrote a letter to a nearby rape crisis center. Cornelius had been sexually assaulted multiple times while incarcerated. The first time was a gang rape that had happened 17 years earlier at a boot camp, when he was just 19 years old. Roughly a decade

The Prison Rape Elimination Act and Beyond: Sexual Violence in Detention

  • Linda McFarlane and Jesse Lerner-Kinglake
  • November 9, 2016
  • Penal Reform International Blog

In 2003, the U.S. passed a law called the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), which for the first time mandated the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) – an arm of the Department of Justice – to conduct anonymous surveys of prisoners about sexual abuse. These surveys have confirmed what reform advocates had long known – that abuse