Category: JDI in the News

DOJ Tells Prisons to Put Safety First in Housing Transgender Inmates

  • Beth Schwartzapfel
  • March 29, 2016
  • The Marshall Project

Rules from 2012 are too often ignored, advocates say. The Justice Department, under pressure from advocates, has issued a memorandum reasserting its policy that transgender prisoners cannot be housed according to their anatomy alone but must be assigned to facilities on a case-by-case basis, with the inmate’s own sense of where he or she would

US Prohibits Imprisoning Transgender Inmates in Cells Based on Birth Anatomy

  • Maria L La Ganga
  • March 24, 2016
  • The Guardian

DoJ guidelines clarified 2012 regulations requiring prisons to consider gender identity of transgender inmates, who are far more prone to violence and abuse The US Department of Justice released new guidelines Thursday prohibiting corrections agencies from placing transgender inmates into men’s or women’s units solely based on their anatomy at birth. Federal regulations have required

Transgender Detainees at High Risk of Assault in US Immigration Facilities

  • Maria L La Ganga
  • March 23, 2016
  • The Guardian

Human Rights Watch finds pervasive abuse in ICE detention centers, including repeated strip-searches, despite efforts to protect vulnerable population Transgender inmates detained in US immigration facilities are at high risk of being sexually assaulted, repeatedly strip-searched and held indefinitely in solitary confinement, according to a study released on Wednesday by the advocacy group Human Rights

Report Cites Failure to Act Against Abusers of Juveniles in Detention

  • Joaquin Sapien
  • February 3, 2016
  • ProPublica

Amid significant reforms, federal officials worry that sexual abuse in juvenile justice system remains prevalent and too often unpunished. Last week was momentous for those interested in the elusive goal of juvenile justice reform. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that people serving mandatory life sentences for murders they committed as juveniles must be

Letter To The Editor

  • Lara Stemple
  • March 10, 2002
  • New York Times

Less than a week after the Justice Department intervened in support of a transgender inmate’s lawsuit against Georgia, the state said Thursday…