Category: JDI in the News

Far too many minors suffer sexual abuse in youth detention centers. They must be protected.

  • Editorial Board
  • December 5, 2020
  • Washington Post

A DISTURBINGLY large number of youths locked up in juvenile detention centers across the country are sexually victimized, according to the Justice Department. A heartbreaking report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that states and localities are still doing too little to protect vulnerable youngsters who rely on the adults around them to provide

Staff Sex Abuse of Youth in Detention Widespread, Figures Show

  • TCR Staff
  • November 25, 2020
  • The Crime Report

Newly released federal data show a direct link between widespread sexual abuse in youth detention facilities and unprofessional behavior by staff, charges the advocacy group Just Detention International. The group says the findings detail how staff  “routinely crossed boundaries with children prior to abusing them, in ways that should have been obvious to fellow staff

Florida’s Lowell prison is cesspool of sexual abuse by staff, feds say in blistering report

  • Julie K. Brown
  • December 22, 2020
  • Miami Herald

In a scathing rebuke of Florida’s Department of Corrections, the U.S. Department of Justice has found that officers at Lowell Correctional Institution have raped, sodomized, beaten and choked countless female inmates as part of a pattern of civil rights abuses that goes back years. The sexual torment by staff at the women’s prison so horrified

SC inmates use art to heal from sexual assault trauma, domestic violence

  • Sara Coello
  • December 7, 2020
  • Post and Courier

At two women’s prisons in South Carolina, butterfly wings spread out across the walls. The murals, at Leath and Camille Graham correctional institutions, are the first stage of a project focused on healing for inmates who have survived sexual and domestic violence. Artist Cathy Salser guided 32 inmates, each of whom decorated one of the

Steve Steinberg, hacker, writer, friend (1970-2020)

  • David Pescovitz
  • October 9, 2020
  • Boing Boing

Steve Steinberg—hacker, writer, father, and my dear friend—died yesterday. He was 50 years old. Several weeks ago, Steve had a terrible accident while riding the e-bike that he built himself. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and didn’t recover. Steve’s brain was what defined him. He was truly one of the smartest people I’ve ever