July 25, 2003 WASHINGTON D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives voted by unanimous consent today to approve the first-ever federal legislation to address the problem of sexual assault in detention facilities, the Prison Rape Elimination of Act of 2003 (H.R. 1707). The same legislation was passed by the Senate on Monday (S. 1435). “The unanimous
August 20, 2003 LOS ANGELES – The director of the human rights group Stop Prisoner Rape praised Wisconsin legislators and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle today for passing AB 51, a law criminalizing custodial sexual contact between corrections officers and inmates. /p> “We are pleased to see Wisconsin taking this step,” said SPR Executive Director Lara
October 22, 2003 LOS ANGELES – A Fresno jury on Tuesday cleared three corrections officers of liability in the March 1993 “Booty Bandit” rape of inmate Eddie Webb Dillard by a fellow prisoner, a verdict the nonprofit human rights group Stop Prisoner Rape (PR) said “undermines accountability for sexual assault behind bars.” The jury found
October 23, 2003 LOS ANGELES – The nonprofit human rights group Stop Prisoner Rape today called on the FBI to stop excluding the rape of men from the statistics on violent crime in its annual Uniform Crime Report. Lara Stemple, executive director of the Los Angeles-based group, said the statistical exclusion of male rape victims
November 13, 2003 NEW YORK – A survivor of sexual assault in prison spoke before the New York City Committee on Fire & Criminal Justice Services today, bringing his perspective on the abuse he experienced to a hearing aimed at improving oversight on sexual assault in the city’s jails. T.J. Parsell, a New York state