Category: Press Releases

Life-Saving Holiday Card Campaign for Prisoner Rape Survivors

Los Angeles, November 27, 2012 — Today, Just Detention International (JDI) is launching a nationwide holiday campaign that allows its supporters to do nothing less than help save a life – without spending a dime. Through its unique campaign, Words of Hope, JDI is asking people to take one free, simple action: send a holiday greeting to

New Report Confirms Crisis of Prisoner Rape

Bureau of Justice Statistics finds that levels of abuse have remained consistently high over six-year period — and uncovers appalling victimization rates for mentally ill inmates Los Angeles and Washington, D.C, May 16, 2013 — Sexual violence continues to plague U.S detention facilities, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Justice. The study, released

Government Report: Sexual Abuse Still Rampant in Juvenile Corrections Facilities

A report by the Department of Justice shows widespread sexual violence in juvenile detention facilities, exposing pervasive staff sexual misconduct. Ohio, South Carolina, Georgia, and Illinois top the list of abusive systems. Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., June 6, 2013. According to a new U.S. Department of Justice report, juvenile detention facilities remain plagued by