
Bringing Incarcerated Survivors into the #MeToo Movement

Incarcerated survivors can’t share their #MeToo stories through social media. That’s why JDI worked with people living in two South Carolina women’s prisons, along with artist Cathy Salser, to create #PrisonersToo — an art installation through which incarcerated people can tell their stories to each other and to the outside world.

Survivors in the prisons chose the image of a butterfly to represent the healing transformation that is possible when survivors break their silence. Cathy and incarcerated artists created butterfly murals, consisting of multiple panels. Each panel tells one survivor’s story of abuse and journey toward healing. Then the artists invited others in the prisons to add their own stories.

Now it’s your turn. The power of #MeToo — and #Prisoners Too — is that when survivors tell their stories, others can respond with support, along with stories of their own.

View the video and the photos below to see the stories that incarcerated survivors are sharing with you. Then write your message, which will become part of the #PrisonersToo installation, letting incarcerated survivors know that you are listening and that their stories matter.

Send a Message

#PrisonersToo Stories

(click the photos to enlarge and read the artists’ own words)