
Send a Holiday Card to a Prison Rape Survivor

  • Hamilton Nolan
  • December 6, 2017
  • Splinter News

This is the time of year when you do nice things for others. Here is a very nice thing you can do today, and it will only take a minute.

Every year during the holidays, the group Just Detention International collects and delivers messages of hope for survivors of prison rape. It has never been easier for you to brighten the day of someone who could really use some kind words. You can visit the website here to write your message, and JDI will do the rest.

At our request, JDI passed on some feedback from survivors who have received these messages in past years. A few examples:

  • From Sarah, a survivor of years of abuse and harassment in an Indiana prison: “This was my fifth consecutive Christmas in solitary confinement, and with the help of people who care, I was able to feel at ease. I made a little tree out of a magazine and set up my cards around it to remind me that I am not forgotten.
  • From Ca’Linda, a survivor of repeated sexual assaults in a Kentucky prison: “I often wonder if anyone cares, if I’m truly as alone as I often feel. Today I received a lot of cards from the JDI supporters and as I read them I cried tears of joy. I’ve been in solitary isolation for four years and I’ve often regretted telling on my abuser, but today I’m glad I did because I know there are people out there who genuinely care. I can’t thank you enough for letting me know I’m not forgotten. That I matter even though I’m alone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
  • From Ricardo, a survivor of numerous sexual assaults in a Georgia prison: “I received the season’s greetings cards. You all really made my day. They were the only ones I received. So please tell everyone I said hello, thanks, I love them, and happy New Year. I never knew so many people cared. I read the cards over and over until I fell asleep. And when I woke up I read them all over again. I received so much inner strength from them. You all can never imagine how strong they made me feel.”
  • From William, a survivor of sexual assault in a Missouri prison: “The cards you sent were the only thoughts from others that I received for Christmas. I had my fingers crossed that I’d hear from at least one of the 7.5 billion people in the world. Had it not been for those cards, I’d have felt counted among the living dead.”


Originally posted here.