
CONTACT of Burlington County Rape Care Program

CONTACT of Burlington County is dedicated to meeting the needs of the community by providing quality 24-hour crisis support, information, and referral services that are sensitive to the changing needs of the community. CONTACT’s Rape Care Program has been serving survivors of sexual assault since 1998.

Service area: Burlington County
Work with: Anyone in need of support, information or referrals. The Rape Care Program provides services to survivors of sexual assault and abuse, ages 12 and over, and their loved ones.
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline and by mail; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; follow-up crisis counseling by phone; legal advocacy and court accompaniment for sexual assault cases; information; and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: Crisis intervention; counseling; information; and referrals.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: The CONTACT Crisis Hotline provides services to any resident of Burlington County in need of crisis intervention, support, information or referrals, including children, teens, the elderly, people with mental illness, anyone who is suicidal, those who are grieving the loss of their pet, and others.