
LeeShore Center

The LeeShore Center strives to provide a safe haven for women and children who are survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault while promoting a safe, healthy, violence-free community by treating all people with respect and empowering and supporting women; by creating an educated and aware public; by promoting healthy families; and by striving to eliminate domestic abuse, sexual assault, and associated societal oppression.

Service area: Central Kenai Peninsula
Work with: Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their loved ones
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour and by mail; follow-up in-person advocacy may be available, by arrangement; legal advocacy and court accompaniment; information and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above; individual advocacy; emergency shelter for adult women and children; and weekly support groups.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention; individual advocacy; information; and referrals.
Fees: All crisis services are free. Five dollars is requested to participate in support groups, but scholarships and fee waivers are available for those who cannot afford to pay.
Additional Information: The LeeShore Center also offers a support group for survivors of domestic violence at Wildwood Correctional Facility.