
Rhode Island Department of Corrections Departmental Grievance Coordinator

Survivors of sexual abuse behind bars in a RI DOC facility who have filed a Formal Level 1 Grievance with the Warden and feel as though their concerns have not been adequately addressed can appeal to the RIDOC Director within five (5) days upon receipt of the Warden’s decision.

To file a Level 2 Appeal to the RIDOC Director, a Request for Resolution of Grievance Form is needed. This form may be obtained in the law library or from a Superior Officer in your living location. After completing the form, send it to the Warden or designee, who will forward the form to the RIDOC Departmental Grievance Coordinator. Upon receipt of the Level 1 decision, the Departmental Grievance Coordinator will conduct an investigation. Based upon that investigation, the Director will have thirty (30) working days in which to make a decision on the appeal. The decision will be in writing.