
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center

The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center provides confidential, non-judgmental support to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, their families, and friends.

Service area: Harper, Kingman, Marion, McPherson, Reno, and Rice Counties
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault and their concerned friends and family
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline and by mail; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal advocacy and court accompaniment for sexual assault cases; in-person crisis counseling, by arrangement; information; and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as individual counseling; housing assistance; and support groups, depending on interest and availability.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention; support; advocacy; information; and referrals.
Fees: Free