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Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Abuse. (CONNSACS) is a statewide coalition of individual sexual assault crisis programs. CONNSACS’ mission is to end sexual violence and ensure high quality, comprehensive and culturally competent sexual assault survivor services. CONNSACS works to send sexual violence through victim assistance, community education, and public policy advocacy.
Service area: Connecticut
Work with: Rape crisis centers, sexual assault survivors and their loved ones, and community members
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Referrals to the nearest sexual assault center via the 24-hour statewide hotline or by mail and a listing of member rape crisis centers throughout Connecticut on the CONNSACS’ website.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free Additional
Information: No crisis intervention or counseling services are available.
96 Pitkin Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
(860) 282-9881
office hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST
24-hour toll-free statewide hotline
(888) 999-5545
24 horas Línea de Ayuda Gratuita En Español
(888) 568-8332
Accept Collect Calls: No
The New Haven Pride Center (NHPC) advocates for equality and justice by educating the community about LGBTQ+ issues and providing a safe, accessible space for all LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.
Service area: Greater New Haven area
Work with: LGBTQ+ community and allies
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Information and support by mail or by phone.
Services for survivors after release include: Through a partnership with the Women and Families Center, NHPC offers an advocate for LGBTQ+ survivors of sexual abuse, as well as support groups for lesbians, gay men, and transgender survivors. During drop-in hours, a trained sexual assault victim advocate is available to provide supportive information and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ survivors of sexual abuse. Call the Center or visit the website for hours.
Services for loved ones include: Information and support.
Fees: Free
P.O. Box 8914
New Haven, CT 06532
(202) 387-2252
office hours: Evenings
Accept Collect Calls: No
Email Address
The Rape Crisis Center of Milford is a non-profit social service agency working to end sexual violence through victim assistance, prevention, education, and public policy advocacy.
Service area: Ansonia, Derby, Milford, Orange, Seymour, Shelton, and West Haven
Work with: All survivors of sexual abuse and their concerned friends and family members
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Confidential crisis counseling via the 24-hour hotline or by mail; personal support and advocacy during the hospital exam following a sexual assault; and information and referrals for longer-term counseling, legal assistance, and medical assistance.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as confidential short-term counseling, court advocacy, and support groups, when available.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: Male counselors are available to provide services for male survivors, partners, fathers, and other family members.
70 West River Street
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 874-8712
24-hour local hotline
(203) 878-1212
office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4pm EST
Accept Collect Calls: No
Safe Futures provides comprehensive services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Service area: New London and Norwich
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, as well as family and friends
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline or by mail and accompaniment and advocacy for survivors at hospitals, police departments, and courts.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as individual counseling; support groups; health assessments by a registered nurse; and referrals for medical, psychological, financial, legal, and housing services.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: Safe Futures also operates an emergency shelter and transitional living program for women and families affected by domestic violence or sexual assault who are in need of safe, affordable housing and support services.
16 Jay Street
New London, CT 06320
(860) 447-0366
office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST
24-hour hotline
(888) 774-2900
Accept Collect Calls: No
Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury provides free, confidential services for women, children, and men who have experienced domestic violence and sexual assault, including rape, incest, sexual harassment, or child sexual abuse.
Service area: Bethlehem, Cheshire, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Prospect, Southbury, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott, and Woodbury
Work with: Women, children, and men who have experienced domestic violence and sexual assault, including rape, incest, sexual harassment, or child sexual abuse
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis counseling for survivors via the 24-hour hotline; accompaniment, support, and advocacy for survivors at St. Mary’s and Waterbury Hospitals; and information and support through the mail or by phone.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as legal advocacy and accompaniment at police stations and courts; individual counseling; and support groups, including a group for male survivors of sexual assault.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis counseling for family, friends, and partners via the 24-hour hotline, as well as individual counseling and information and referrals.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: All services are confidential and available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Se ofrecen todos los servicios en ingles, español, y portugués. Todos os serviços são oferecidos em inglês, em espanhol, e o português.
29 Central Avenue, P.O. Box 1503
Waterbury, CT 06721
(203) 575-0388
24-hour hotline
(203) 753-3613
office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4pm EST
Accept Collect Calls: No
Email Address
The Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut (SACCEC) provides crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling to survivors of sexual violence and to their friends and family members.
Service area: Windham and New London Counties, as well as the towns of Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, Union, and Willington
Work with: Survivors of sexual assault and their concerned family and friends
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention, in English and Spanish, via the 24-hour hotline; 24-hour accompaniment to emergency rooms at all four hospitals in Windham and New London Counties to provide information and support in the aftermath of sexual abuse; and referrals for therapy, medical support, and general assistance via mail or by phone.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as individual counseling and support for survivors, parents, partners, and other family members and friends; legal and judicial advocacy, including accompaniment to police departments; preparation, accompaniment, and advocacy throughout the court process; and support groups. Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: Se habla español.
90 South Park Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
(860) 456-3595
toll-free hotline
(888) 999-5545
office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST
Accept Collect Calls: No
Susan B. Anthony Project works to promote the autonomy of women and the safety of all survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault in Northwest Connecticut, as well as to promote community action toward ending domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Service area: Twenty towns in Northwestern Connecticut
Work with: All survivors of sexual abuse, including women, men, and children
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention and support via the 24-hour hotline, by mail, or by email; accompaniment to hospital emergency rooms during sexual assault exams; advocacy and support at police departments and courts; one-on-one supportive counseling in person or by phone; and information and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as support groups for survivors of trauma, rape, child sexual assault, and other types of sexual assault.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention and support.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: The Susan B. Anthony Project provides services for women who are incarcerated at McAuliffe Manor, including one-on-one peer counseling and support groups.
179 Water Street
Torrington, CT 06790
(860) 489-3798
24-hour hotline
(860) 482-7133
office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm EST
Accept Collect Calls: Yes
Email Address
The Center for Empowerment and Education provides crisis services and community education to individuals, families, and organizations.
Service area: Bethel, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Danbury, Kent, New Fairfield, New Milford, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Roxbury, Sherman, and Washington
Work with: Women, men, and children affected by sexual violence, including loved ones
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hotline or by mail; counseling by phone or by mail; hospital accompaniment during forensic examinations; and information on sexual assault and Women’s Center services.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as in-person counseling and support groups; court and police advocacy; and referrals for an array of supportive resources including legal, medical, financial, housing services, and mental health care providers.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
2 West Street
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 731-5200
office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST
24-hour hotline
(203) 731-5204
Accept Collect Calls: Yes
Email Address
The Center for Family Justice provides comprehensive services for survivors of sexual assault and their family, friends, and service providers who are impacted by these issues.
Service area: Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, and Trumbull Counties
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention, information, and support by mail or via the 24-hour hotline; and information and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as short-term counseling.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: The Center for Family Justice operates the Women of C.H.A.N.G.E. program, which provides services to women in the York Correctional Institution who are being released. The goal of this program is to help prepare incarcerated women to deal with life after prison. Women of C.H.A.N.G.E. services include: trauma-sensitive and short-term counseling; interpersonal skills workshops; assistance with job placement and job-skills development; referrals to community agencies such as Literacy Volunteers; job training; and substance abuse treatment.
753 Fairfield Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 334-6154
office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm EST
24-hour hotline
(203) 333-2233
Accept Collect Calls: No
The Health Collective provides medical services, support groups, mental health services, and health education. The Health Collective programs are tailored to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQIA+) communities, but serve clients of all genders and gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, and ethnicities.
Service area: Primarily Hartford, Middlesex, and Tolland Counties, but will serve any client
Work with: Anyone, but specialize in services for the LGBTQIA+ community
Services available to survivors during incarceration include: Information, referrals, and support to LGBTQIA+ friendly support services through the mail and by phone.
Services available to survivors after release include: STD testing, diagnosis, and treatment; Hepatitis A and B screening and immunization; other medical services, including breast and pelvic exams and a dental clinic; HIV counseling and testing; support groups for men, women, youth, and transgender people; general medical information and referrals; and advocacy services.
Fees: Vary. The Health Collective requests $20 for HIV testing and counseling and $20 for STD testing and counseling, but no one is turned away due to a lack of funds. Information, support groups, and referrals are free.
1841 Broad Street, Suite D, Hartford, Connecticut, 06114
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM EST
Thursday: 9 AM – 9 PM EST
Accept Collect Calls
Email Address
The mission of The Rowan Center is to provide counseling and support services to victims of sexual assault and to eliminate sexual violence through community wide education programs.
Service area: Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Wilton, Westport, Weston, Darien
Work with: survivors of sexual assault, men, women, youth ages 14 and up, and transgender survivors. We also serve secondary survivors, Family, friends, coworkers etc.
Services for survivors during incarceration include: crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline, by mail or by email; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; court accompaniment and legal accompaniment for sexual assault cases.
Services for survivors after release include: in-person services such as counseling or information and referrals. Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline, by mail or by email; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; court accompaniment and legal accompaniment for sexual assault cases.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: We provide bilingual services in Creole and Spanish. The Center is unable to work with sex offenders.
1111 Summer St, Suite 202
Stamford, Connecticut 06905
(203) 348-9346
office hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm EST
24-hour hotline (English)
(203) 329-2929
Línea de Ayuda Gratuita en Español:
(888) 568-8332
Accept Collect Calls: Yes
Email Address
Women and Families Center Sexual Assault Crisis Service provides free and confidential supportive services to survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones.
Service area: Middlesex County, Meriden, Walingford, Cheshire and Greater New Haven
Work with: Survivors of sexual abuse, including women, men, and transgender survivors, as well as their loved ones
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention and supportive information by mail or by phone via the 24-hour hotline and accompaniment and advocacy at emergency rooms during forensic examinations.
Services for survivors after release include: All the above, as well as short-term supportive counseling; group counseling for women, men, and transgender survivors; and information and referrals. The Women and Families Center offers specialized support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) survivors through a partnership with the New Haven Gay and Lesbian Community Center. Support groups for lesbians, gay men, and transgender people are forming at the LGBT Community Center. Call 202-389-5010 for more information about these services.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline; short-term counseling; support groups; and information and referrals.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: Women and Families will provide immediate crisis intervention to any survivor who contacts them. For survivors convicted of sex crimes, Women and Families will provide appropriate referrals for ongoing support services. Spanish-speaking and male counselors are available. Sign language interpreters are also available. Se habla español.
Contact Person:
Carissa Simpson
169 Colony Street
Meriden, CT 06451
(203) 235-9297
office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST
24-hour hotline
(888) 999-5545
Línea de Ayuda Gratuita en Español:
(888) 568-8332
Accept Collect Calls: Yes
Email Address
The YWCA of New Britain Sexual Assault Crisis Services (SACS) offers free, confidential services for survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones.
Service area: Greater New Britain and Hartford region
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones
Service for survivors during incarceration include: Crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotlines or by mail; medical accompaniment to hospitals during forensic examinations; and information and referrals.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above, as well as short-term counseling and support groups for survivors of sexual assault.
Services for loved ones include: Crisis intervention, short-term counseling, and information and referrals.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: SACS cannot provide ongoing support services for perpetrators of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, and incest, but is able to provide information and referrals to this population. Bilingual and male counselors are also available. Hay consejeras bilingües y consejeros.
P.O. Box 2545
New Britain, CT 06050
Hartford office
(860) 241-9217
New Britain office
(860) 225-4681
office hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-8pm and Saturday, 7am-3pm EST
24-hour Hartford area hotline
(860) 547-1022
24-hour New Britain area hotline
(860) 223-1787
Accept Collect Calls: No
Email Address
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Connecticut deals with complaints regarding violations of individuals’ rights by the government and would like to hear from people who have been raped or sexually assaulted in jail or prison so that they can provide legal assistance. The ACLU of Connecticut does not return calls regarding legal assistance. Legal requests must be sent in writing. In less than two pages, you must describe what occurred, when and where it occurred, and who was involved. Remember to include a return address and a daytime telephone number. Do not send any supportive documents until you are asked for them. You will receive a response within three to four weeks. If you are unable to write, please call on Friday between 9am and 10am when volunteers are available.
32 Grand Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 247-9823
Email Address
The Connecticut Bar Association publishes an annual Guide to Connecticut Lawyers. The purpose of the Guide is to inform members and the public of the critical role lawyers play in the legal system and our communities and to provide guidance to the public on seeking and finding a lawyer. It contains listings of Connecticut lawyers by geographic area and practice area, as well as information on how to choose a lawyer and insights into buying or selling a home, wills and living trusts, divorce, land use issues, auto accident issues, criminal law issues, consumer rights, employee rights, and much more. The Connecticut Bar Association Guide to Connecticut Lawyers listings can be purchased or searched on-line at
Additionally, the following local and county Bar associations offer lawyer referral services to help individuals find an attorney in their county:
Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, Tolland and Windham
(860) 525-6052
(203) 335-4116
New Haven
(203) 562-5750
New London
(860) 889-9384
P.O. Box 350
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 223-4400
Email Address
The Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization (LSO) links law students with individuals and organizations in need of legal help who cannot afford private attorneys. Students, supervised by Law School faculty members and participating attorneys, interview clients, write briefs, prepare witnesses, try cases, negotiate settlements, draft documents and new legislation, participate in commercial transactions, arrange “deals,” and argue appeals in state and federal courts, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and the Connecticut Supreme Court. LSO’s work is divided into 9 major projects. The Prison Project represents men and women in state and federal prisons in Connecticut and focuses on claims involving conditions of confinement and complex federal litigation. Cases are handled on a limited basis. Requests for assistance should be mailed in writing with a brief description of the facts surrounding the incident that occurred.
P.O. Box 209090
New Haven, CT 06520-9090
(203) 432-4800