- Counseling & Other Support Services
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- Legal Resources
The Center on Halsted Anti-Violence Project (AVP) assists victims of anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) hate crimes, domestic violence, sexual assault, discrimination, and police misconduct. AVP operates a 24-Hour Crisis Hotline offering crisis intervention, emotional support, education, and referrals concerning all forms of violence against LGBT individuals. Only emergency calls should be made to the Crisis Hotline. Non-emergency calls for AVP should be directed to the AVP Manager at (773) 472-6469, ext. 244. In addition to the AVP, Center on Halsted also offers counseling, advocacy, support groups, and information and referrals to LGBT survivors of sexual abuse. All AVP victim services are free and confidential.
3656 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 472-6469 x 244
24-hour hotline
(773) 871-2273
Family Resources Quad Cities Rape/Sexual Assault Counseling & Advocacy Program is the only sexual assault service program in the Quad Cities area and provides comprehensive services to survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones. The Quad Cities Rape/Sexual Assault Counseling & Advocacy Program provides the following confidential free services to survivors of sexual assault: 24-hour crisis intervention, medical/legal advocacy, individual and family counseling, support groups, referrals, and community education programs. Services are offered regardless of the survivor’s decision to report the incident to law enforcement agencies.
1521 47th Avenue
Moline, IL 61265
(309) 797-6534
24-hour hotline
(309) 797-1777
Accepts Collect Calls: Yes
Growing Strong Center’s mission is to provide free and confidential services to survivors of sexual violence and their significant others. Our services include counseling, advocacy and case management. We also provide prevention education to area schools.
Service area: In Illinois the counties of Macon, Moultrie, Shelby, Piatt and DeWitt.
Work with: Survivors and their significant others
Services for survivors during incarceration include: mail correspondence, accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews, hospital accompaniment during forensic exams, legal and medical advocacy, in-person counseling, group counseling / support groups, crisis intervention and counseling via hotline, information, referrals, and references
Services for survivors after release include: accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews, hospital accompaniment during forensic exams, legal and medical advocacy, in-person counseling, group counseling / support groups, crisis intervention and counseling via hotline, information, referrals, and references
Services for loved ones include: accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews, hospital accompaniment during forensic exams, legal and medical advocacy, in-person counseling, group counseling / support groups, crisis intervention and counseling via hotline, information, referrals, and references
Fees: Services are free
270 W. Prairie
Decatur, IL 62523
24-hour hotline
(217) 428-0770
Accepts collect calls
Guardian Angel is a 120 year old not-for-profit with its primary office in Joliet, Illinois. It offers seven core programs: The Sexual Assault Service Center, Groundwork Domestic Violence Program, PAIP, a Partner Abuse Intervention Program, The Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Foster Care, Suzy’s Caring Place, a Transitional Living Program, and Adult Protective Services.
Work with: All survivors of sexual assault and their significant others.
Services for survivors during incarceration include: crisis intervention via the 24-hour hotline, by mail or by e-mail, hospital accompaniment during forensic exams, court accompaniment and legal accompaniment for the victims in sexual assault cases, in-person services such as counseling or advocacy, Women’s group twice monthly at the Will County Adult Detention Facility, Weekly educational groups at the River Valley Juvenile Detention Facility, Information and referrals.
In addition to the services listed above we offer: Individual, Family and Group Counseling, Case Management.
Services for loved ones include: All of the Above.
Fees: All services are free of charge.
Additional Information: We are unable to provide in person services to sex offenders; they are served through information and referral services and may access support and information through the hotline if they are victims of sexual violence.
168 N Ottawa St.
Joliet, IL 60432
(815) 729-0930
24-hour hotline
(815) 730-8984
accepts collect calls: no
The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) is a non-profit corporation of 33 community-based sexual assault crisis centers working together to end sexual violence. Each center provides 24-hour crisis intervention services, counseling, and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and their significant others. Free and confidential counseling are available at all of the sexual assault crisis centers. ICASA will help survivors locate the crisis center that is in their area so that they can get the help they need.
100 North 16th Street
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 753-4117
Mutual Ground provides services in southern Kane County and Kendall County for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, crisis intervention at hospitals and police stations, legal advocacy, individual counseling by professional staff, support groups, specialized services for children and teens, and information and referrals for survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Mutual Ground can respond to calls from local law enforcement agencies and correctional facilities to provide advocacy and support to survivors who are still incarcerated. Services are free and confidential and provided to all survivors regardless of age or gender.
P.O. Box 843
Aurora, IL 60507
(630) 897-8989
24-hour hotline
(630) 897-8383
Project Inform is a national, nonprofit, community-based organization working to end the AIDS epidemic. Project Inform’s toll-free National HIV/AIDS Treatment Hotline provides HIV care and treatment information, free of charge, to people living with HIV, their healthcare and service providers, and family members. The hotline accepts collect calls from inmates and can also mail out materials.
205 13th Street, #2001
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 558-8669
(800) 822-7422
San Francisco area/International hotline
(415) 558-9051
Hotline hours: Monday–Friday, 10am–4pm PST (Pacific Time)
Rape Victim Advocates (RVA) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healing and empowerment of sexual assault survivors through non-judgmental crisis intervention counseling, individual and group counseling, and medical and legal advocacy in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. RVA provides public education and institutional advocacy in order to improve the treatment of sexual assault survivors and to effect positive change in policies and public attitudes toward sexual assault.
Service area: We serve hospitals and facilities located in Cook County.
Work with: All survivors of sexual abuse and their loved ones.
Services for survivors during incarceration include: mail correspondence; accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal and medical advocacy; in-person counseling; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; information, referrals, and references.
Services for survivors after release include: mail correspondence; accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal and medical advocacy; in-person counseling; group counseling/support groups; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; information, referrals, and references.
Services for loved ones include: mail correspondence; accompaniment to courts and during law enforcement interviews; hospital accompaniment during forensic exams; legal and medical advocacy; in-person counseling; group counseling/support groups; crisis intervention and counseling via hotline; information, referrals, and references.
Fees: Free
Additional Information: English and Spanish
180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 443-9603
Rockford Sexual Assault Counseling provides comprehensive services for survivors of sexual assault/abuse, ages 3 to adult, and for their significant others in Boone, Dekalb, McHenry, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago Counties. Services include: 24-hours crisis intervention, counseling, medical and legal advocacy, professional training, and prevention education. Services are free and confidential.
4990 East State St.
Rockford, IL 61108
24-hour hotline
(815) 636-9811
The Women’s Center has served survivors of domestic and sexual violence in southern Illinois for over 35 years. Core services include: 24-hour crisis intervention; information and referrals; counseling; support groups; legal, medical, and personal advocacy; transportation; case management; and emergency food and supplies. The Sexual Assault program serves Jackson, Franklin, Perry, Union, Williamson, Johnson and Saline Counties. Offices are located in the towns of Carbondale (Jackson County), Marion (Williamson County), and Benton (Franklin County). All services are confidential, free of charge, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to women, men, adolescents, and children.
610 S. Thompson Street
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 549-4807
24-hour toll-free hotline
(800) 334-2094
REACH Sexual Assault Crisis Services (formerly the YWCA of Danville) provides services for sexual assault survivors of all ages in Clark, Edgar, and Vermillion Counties. Services include: a 24 hour hotline, legal/medical advocacy, information, education, and counseling services for survivors of sexual abuse. All services are free and confidential.
201 North Hazel St.
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 446-1217
24-hour hotline
(217) 446-1337
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago operates three 24-hour rape crisis hotlines in Chicago and surrounding areas to provide confidential, immediate assistance to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. Hotline advocates can provide information, support, and referrals. This service is free and available to women, men, and children.
24-hour hotline for Chicago Metropolitan Area
(888) 293-2080
24-hour hotline for DuPage County
(630) 971-3927
24-hour hotline for South Suburbs
(708) 748-5672
The ACLU of Illinois tracks complaints of prisoner rape through their Institutionalized Persons Project. Letters should be sent to the intake department and then a decision will be made whether or not they can provide assistance with a claim. While the ACLU litigates civil rights issues and is particularly interested in cases regarding prisoner rape, priority is always given to class action issues, and individual litigation should not be expected.
Intake Department
180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2300
Chicago, IL 60601-7401
(312) 201-9740
The John Howard Association (JHA) is an independent, not-for-profit, citizen correctional oversight organization. JHA monitors prisons and advances independent oversight of carceral systems to promote humane treatment of people who are incarcerated and increased transparency. JHA evaluates and publicly reports on policies, practices, and conditions of confinement in Illinois state prisons. The organization carries out this work through monitoring visits with trained citizen volunteers to adult and juvenile correctional facilities. JHA observes first-hand conditions of confinement and interviews people who are incarcerated, as well as speaking with correctional staff and administrators, in addition to conducting surveys to gather more perspectives and experiences. JHA is able to send and receive privileged correspondence with people who are incarcerated in Illinois under state law and receives phone calls and other contacts from people outside. JHA documents issues identified and releases public reports to inform administrators, public officials, and interested citizens on the realities of the state prisons and puts forward recommendations for improvement, including legislative advocacy. JHA serves as the outside independent entity for the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) that can receive PREA reports and forward them to IDOC for investigation permitting people to remain anonymous on request. In addition, JHA can raise emergent issues in need of attention or investigation by IDOC. Resources and referrals to outside agencies and community-based organizations can also be provided.
PO Box 10042
Chicago, IL 60610-0042
*mark as “privileged”
(312) 291-9183
office address
70 East Lake Street, Suite 410
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 291-9237
Contact Form
The Transformative Justice Law Project of Illinois (TJLP) is a collective of radical lawyers, social workers, activists, and community organizers who provide free criminal and civil legal services for low-income transgender and gender non-conforming people targeted by the criminal legal system. TJLP offers support for detainees and prisoners, such as a gender-affirming pen pal program, court support, and jail and prison visits. In addition, TJLP helps distribute resources and connect people to their peers, friends, family, allies, advocates, and the larger prison abolition movement. TJLP also creates and distributes information, resources, and training curriculum for lawyers and social service providers who work with people targeted by the criminal legal system. Prisoners and jail detainees can contact TJLP via legal mail by writing to the address above. All services are free.
2040 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 272-1822