How We Can Help
We provide survivors and their loved ones with information about sexual abuse, prisoners’ rights, and how to get help.
If you or someone you know has been sexually abused behind bars, we can send you our Survivor Packet.
The packet includes Hope for Healing, our self-help guide for survivors as they rebuild their lives after an assault. The packet also includes contact information for local rape crisis centers and legal aid organizations, as well as information about how to report abuse and survivors’ rights.
If you would the Survivor Packet mailed to you, contact Leelyn Aquino, JDI’s Operations Director, at or by phone at 213-384-1400 ext. 110.
People in detention may write to JDI via confidential, legal mail at the following address:
Cynthia Totten, Attorney at Law
CA Attorney Reg. #199266
3250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1630
Los Angeles, CA 90010
We respond to every survivor who writes to us. Please note that we do not provide legal representation or counseling services. Our Resource Guide includes listings of service providers nationwide that can help survivors in detention.

“Hope for Healing saved me from killing myself. Your information and your responding to my letter also helped give me a sense of hope.”