Survivor Stories

JDI has made only minor edits for spelling and clarity. Please note that some of these stories are graphic and may be difficult to read.

  • Xandan is a transgender man incarcerated in a Texas state prison for women. For years, he has faced transphobic harassment and has been repeatedly physically and sexually abused.

  • A corrections officer sexually abused Andrew in a Florida prison. When Andrew reported the abuse, the officer retaliated, and the abuse grew worse.

  • Clarence was the target of repeated sexual assaults by other inmates while serving time in a Texas prison. Staff intervened only when Clarence threatened to hurt himself, and on many occasions they have retaliated against him for reporting.

  • JDI Survivor Council member Troy Issac endured horrific sexual abuse behind bars in youth and adult detention facilities. Troy has become a powerful advocate to end this violence, telling his story to journalists, policymakers, and corrections officials. In 2014, he submitted testimony to a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on solitary confinement. 

  • Robert was raped by his cellmate at a federal prison in South Carolina. After reporting the assault to prison officials, he was placed in solitary confinement for over two months, just two cells away from his attacker, where he continued to be threatened and harassed.