Survivor Stories
JDI has made only minor edits for spelling and clarity. Please note that some of these stories are graphic and may be difficult to read.
Keith was sexually assaulted after prison officials transferred him to a dangerous facility as punishment for reporting staff misconduct. Keith, who contracted HIV as a result of the abuse, became a powerful advocate. He testified before the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission in 2005 and served on JDI’s Survivor Council. He passed away in 2015.
After serving 23 years without incident, Rafael encountered a corrections officer who conducted abusive pat searches on inmates. Despite Rafael’s effort to report the officer, nothing was done.
While detained at the Rappahannock Regional Jail, a male corrections officer sexually assaulted Loretta over a period of months. She reported the abuse, which led to the officer’s conviction on sexual misconduct charges. As a result, staff and inmates have retaliated against Loretta.
Stephen was brutally gang-raped after being arrested at a Quaker pray-in at the White House. He contracted HIV as a consequence of the rape, and later died from an AIDS-related illness.