Survivor Stories

JDI has made only minor edits for spelling and clarity. Please note that some of these stories are graphic and may be difficult to read.

  • Toni Lynn was sexually assaulted by an officer at a California state prison. Like many survivors, Toni Lynn tells of the shame and self-recrimination that resulted from the abuse.


  • Stephen was brutally gang-raped after being arrested at a Quaker pray-in at the White House. He contracted HIV as a consequence of the rape, and later died from an AIDS-related illness.


  • Like many new inmates, Roderick was pressured by gang members for sex in exchange for protection. When he refused, one gang orchestrated an attack on him, leading to years of physical and sexual abuse.

  • Robin was raped by an extradition agent while she was being extradited back to the US. Robin sued the perpetrator’s employer and the case was settled for an undisclosed amount.

  • While he was in federal custody for non-violent drug charges, Carlos was sexually assaulted by inmates at two different facilities. As an openly gay man with a history of sexual abuse as a child, Carlos was at high risk for being targeted by predators.