Survivor Stories

JDI has made only minor edits for spelling and clarity. Please note that some of these stories are graphic and may be difficult to read.

  • Investigations went nowhere for Nicole, who was raped by two different staff members at a California prison. Instead, she was transferred and told to keep quiet — until she was later moved to a new facility where she is finally getting proper counseling and support.

  • A prisoner in Illinois, Gregory was sexually assaulted by a staff member during a strip search. After courageously reporting the abuse, Gregory was sent to solitary confinement as punishment.

  • A cellmate raped this young gay man. He was detained in a county jail, and he was later gang-raped by a group of prisoners in a Colorado state prison.

  • They were both narcotics detectives. They were both armed. It wasn’t clear if they were on duty or off. I had never met them before, but my boyfriend, a drug dealer, saw them all the time.

  • Micah was raped and tortured by law enforcement officers in a police lock-up. He faced many challenges trying to report the abuse and was denied follow-up services, such as counseling and medical care. He has since been released from jail and is struggling to rebuild his life while facing the emotional scars of the abuse.