Survivor Stories

JDI has made only minor edits for spelling and clarity. Please note that some of these stories are graphic and may be difficult to read.

  • Amanda was sexually abused repeatedly by a lieutenant while serving time in a Texas prison. Instead of getting the help she deserves, her concerns were brushed aside, causing her mental and physical health to suffer.

  • Matthew was raped by his cellmate. After years of suffering alone, Matthew reached out to his local rape crisis center and, with the help of two dedicated victim advocates, is on the path to healing.

  • Kristal was sexually assaulted in a holding cell by a marshal tasked with transporting her to court.

  • Stephen was brutally gang-raped after being arrested at a Quaker pray-in at the White House. He contracted HIV as a consequence of the rape, and later died from an AIDS-related illness.


  • Linda’s 17-year old son, Rodney Hulin, killed himself after being continuously raped and abused in Texas prisons.